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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月25日17:24  新浪体育讯

  Carl Lewis - King Carl

  Carl Lewis, an American, is one of the only four Olympic athletes to win nine gold medals and one of the only three to win the same individual event four times.

  In 1984, Lewis won four medals in the 100m sprint, the 200m sprint, the long jump and the 4X100m relay. At the 1988 Seoul Games, Lewis gained a second gold medal in the 100m sprint after Ben Johnson was disqualified. He also defended his long jump title and finished second in the 200m sprint. At the 1992 Barcelona Olympics, Lewis won a third gold medal in the long jump. In 1996, Lewis barely qualified for the U.S. squad, while at the Atlanta Games, he moved into first place. 12 years after his triumphs in Los Angeles, Carl Lewis was still the Olympic long jump champion.


