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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月27日11:24  新浪体育讯

  Eddy Merckx - Best cyclist of the 20th century

  Eddy Merckx, a Belgian, was sportsman of the year 6 times and International sportsman of the year 3 years.

  Eddy is considered one of the greatest competitive cyclists of all time, with 445 profesional victories. He started bike racing at 14 and in his profesional career, he won five Tours de France(1969,1970,1971,1972,1974), won 3 world road championships(1967,1971,1974), and numerous other races for a career victory.


  比利时人埃迪-梅克斯,六次当选年度最佳运动员,三次当选年度世界最佳运动员。埃迪获得了445项职业赛事的冠军,被认为是自行车运动史上最伟大的运动员之一。他14岁开始参加比赛,在职业生涯中,5次赢得环法冠军(1969,1970,1971,1972,1974), 3次获得世界公路自行车锦标赛冠军(1967,1971,1974)以及数不清的其他赛事冠军。