http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月11日19:05 新浪体育讯
Naim Suleymanoglu - The Pocket Hercules
Only 1.47m tall, Naim Suleymanoglu quickly attracted world-wide attention for his excellent weightlifting ability. The Turkish hero, set his world record when he was only 15 years old. In 1984, at the age of 16, he became the second weight lifter to clean and jerk 3 times his bodyweight. During the 1988 Olympics, he broke world records in both the snatch and the clean and jerk, winning his first Olympic gold medal and was undefeated for 8.5 years. At the 1992 Olympics, won his second gold medal and during the 1996 Olympics, won his third gold medal by breaking his own world record. He took part in 2000 Olympics and tried to win a fourth gold medal, but missed three times while trying to snatch 145kg and was eliminated.