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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月12日23:02  新浪体育讯

  Paavo Nurmi - Flying Finn

  Paavo Nurmi, the incomparable "Flying Finn", is one of only four athletes to win nine gold medals. Nurmi was an Olympic legend and between 1920 and 1928 he won a record nine Olympic gold medals(7 individual, 2 team) and three individual silver medals. His medals came in a wide range of events: 1500m, 3000m(team), 5000m, 10000m, steeplechase and cross-country.

  The Flying Finn set twenty-two official and thirteen unofficial world records, and statues stand in his hometown, outside the Olympic stadium in Helsinki, and in the park of the Olympic Museum in Lausanne, honoring his contribution.


