奥运风云:五环上的阴影(三)http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月18日12:11 新浪体育讯 In the end, some 60 etams boycotted the Moscow Games. Among U.S. allies, Great Britain, France, Italy and Sweden attended. Some countries did not officially send teams but took no action against athletes who attended. If they won medals, those athletes were greeted on the medal stand by the Olympic hymn and flag, rather than their national anthem and flag. 最后,有60个国家代表队抵制了莫斯科奥运会。在美国的盟国中,英国、法国和意大利、瑞典都参赛了。一些国家没有正式派运动员参赛,但并没有采取行动反对那些参赛的运动员。如果这些运动员获得奖牌,他们站在领奖台上时,奏响的不是各自国家的国歌,生气的不是各自国家的国旗,取而代之的是五环旗和奥运会歌。 |