奥运风云:五环上的阴影(七)http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月23日23:45 新浪体育讯 Salt Lake City may forever be remembered as the city that helped tarnish the golden halos of the Olympic Rings. In late 1998, Salt Lake City bid officials are accused of bribing Olympic officials for their votes favoring Salt Lake City as the site of the 2002 Winter Olympics. The gifts offered by members of the Salt Lake Organizing Committee included cash, college scholarships, medical treatment, and trips to Disneyland, Las Vegas and other destinations. An IOC investigation accused 13 Olympic officials of accepting bribes from Salt Lake City organizers. At least four IOC members were forced to resign. 作为一个使奥运光环黯然失色的城市,盐湖城也许会遗臭万年。 1998年末,盐湖城申奥官员被控贿赂奥运官员,以便使他们投票选举盐湖城为2002年冬奥会的主办地。盐湖城组委会成员所送礼物包括现金,大学奖学金,医疗服务以及去迪斯尼、拉斯维加斯和其他地方旅行。 国际奥委会的调查指责13名奥委会官员接受了盐湖城组委会的贿赂,至少4名国际奥委会官员被迫引咎辞职。 |