奥运风云:五环上的阴影(十一)http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月29日17:03 新浪体育讯 Dora Ratjen, fourth in the women's high jump in Berlin in 1936, was actually a man. Stanislawa Walasiewicz, who won the women's 100m in Los Angeles in 1932, turned out on death to have had "primary male characteristics". So, compulsory sex-- testing was introduced in the mid 1960s. By now, the focus had moved from sex to drugs. 多拉-拉特延,1936年柏林奥运会女子跳高的第四名,实际上是名男性。而1932年洛杉矶奥运会女子百米的冠军基坦尼斯瓦娃-瓦拉谢维奇则在死后被发现具有“男性的基本特征”。 因此,20世纪60年代中期开始实施强制的性别检查,如今,检查的焦点已经从性别转到了违禁药物上。 |