奥运风云:五环上的阴影(十四)http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年05月02日20:44 新浪体育讯 IOC vice-president Kim Un-yong was arrested in Seoul on Jan. 28 following charges of bribery and embezzlement. He has been under investigation in Seoul for bribery and corruption in connection with his leadership of the National Olympic Committee and the World Taekwondo Federation and had been suspended from all Olympic duties due to the corruption scandal. 在受到受贿和挪用资金的指控后,国际奥委会副主席金云龙在汉城被捕。领导着韩国国家奥林匹克委员会和世界跆拳道联合会的金云龙因为受贿和腐败一直在汉城接受调查。由于这次的腐败丑闻,金云龙被解除了在国际奥委会所担任的所有职务。 |