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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年02月03日16:10  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A How is Neil? Is he feeling any better?

  A 尼尔怎么样了?他感觉好些了吗?

  B He saw a doctor yesterday but he's no better.

  B 他昨天看医生了,但是还是没有好转。

  A I can take you to a traditional Chinese doctor.

  A 我可以带你们去看中医。

  B I'll tell Neil. It's very kind of you to offer.

  B 我会告诉尼尔的。你主动帮忙太好了。

  A Chinese traditional medicine can be very helpful, you know.

  A 你知道,中药很管用的。

  B You’re right. I think that would help. I'll talk to him and call you later. Thanks again.

  B 你说得对。我想会有用的。我会跟他谈,然后给你打电话。再次谢谢你。