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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年02月23日23:25  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A Ah, good morning, Mr. Clark. You're leaving today.

  A 啊,早晨好,克拉克先生。您今天要离开。

  B That's right. I'll settle my bill after breakfast.

  B 是的。我吃过早饭就结账。

  A Very well.

  A 很好。

  B And I'd like to make a booking for the Olympics next year.

  B 我想为明年召开的奥运会预订房间。

  A An excellent idea. Very soon it will be difficult to get a hotel room in Beijing!

  A 好主意。很快在北京就将很难订到房间了。

  B Yes, I know. Do you have any rooms free in the middle of August?

  B 是的,我知道。你们8月中旬有空余的房间吗?