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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年02月25日18:05  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A The Olympics will be very exciting.

  A 奥运会将非常激动人心。

  B Yes, there will be thousands of visitors. Beijing will be so crowded.

  B 是的,将有成千上万的观看者。北京将非常拥挤。

  A People will come from all over the world. It's such an international event.

  A 人们将从世界各地来到这里。这是一个国际性的盛事。

  B Yes. From Asia, from Europe, from America ...

  B 是的,人们从亚洲、欧洲、美洲来...

  A From Australia, from Africa ...

  A 从澳洲,从非洲来...

  B They will come from everywhere!

  B 从每一个地方来!