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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年02月29日16:20  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A Will you be here for the Olympics?

  A 你将在这里观看奥运会吗?

  B Yes, I will. I can't wait!

  B 是的,我会。我都迫不及待了!

  A Do you remember the last Olympics in Athens?

  A 你还记得上一届在雅典举行的奥运会吗?

  B Certainly I do. And I can remember the panic beforehand.

  B 我当然记得了。我还记得在奥运会召开前的紧张气氛。

  A Yes, nothing was ready till the very last moment.

  A 是的,直到最后一刻才一切准备就绪。

  B But it won't be like that in Beijing. Everything will be ready on time.

  B 但是北京不会那样。一切都将按时齐备。