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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月05日16:59  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A You’re right. Beijing needs more metros and buses.

  A 你说得对。北京需要更多的地铁和公共汽车。

  B They are building new metro lines for the Olympics.

  B 为迎接奥运会北京正在修建新的地铁线路。

  A Beijing needs them! Every time I come to Beijing there seems to be more traffic.

  A 北京太需要这个了!每次我来北京都觉得好像车又比以前多了。

  B I know, but things will get better. There will be new buses too.

  B 我知道,但是情况会好转的。北京还将有新的公共汽车。

  A That’s good. I guess it’s just natural. As a city grows, it gets more traffic.

  A 那好啊。我想这是自然的。当一个城市在发展时,它的车辆也会增多。

  B Yes. But it would be good to have a better transport system and less car pollution.

  B 是的。但是如果交通系统更发达而汽车污染更少就好了。