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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月14日17:22  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A I think the quality of driving is worst at rush hour.

  A 我想高峰时刻的驾驶质量是很低的。

  B Rush hour is really bad! I think it’s because everybody wants to get home from work.

  B 高峰时刻太糟了!我想这是因为大家都要在下班后赶回家。

  A Yes. Everyone seems so stressed and bad-tempered.

  A 是的,似乎每个人压力都很大,脾气都很坏。

  B You can really sense that everyone is in a bad mood in heavy traffic.

  B 在交通拥挤的时候你能真切地感觉到大家的情绪都很糟糕。

  A I know. I guess it’s because they’re in a hurry but not moving very fast.

  A 我知道。我想这是因为他们都很着急,但是又都移动得非常缓慢。

  B That’s when accidents happen.

  B 事故就发生在这个时候。