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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月18日18:43  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A The traffic is really heavy today.

  A 今天交通非常拥挤。

  B I know. Too many cars, too much pollution!

  B 我知道。太多的车,太多的污染!

  A Do you drive?

  A 你开车吗?

  B No, but I’m going to learn. I want to save up and get a car.

  B 不,但是我将学习开车。我想攒钱买车。

  A Then there will be more cars and more pollution!

  A 那么就会有更多的车和更多的污染了!

  B I know, but I really want to drive. It will make everything more convenient.

  B 我知道,但是我确实想开车。有车办事会更方便。