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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月22日14:54  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A Let’s go out this evening. The weather is beautiful.

  A 咱们今晚出去。天气太好了。

  B OK. Where would you like to go?

  B 好的。你想去哪里?

  A Let’s check out some of the bars around Houhai.

  A 咱们到后海周围的酒吧转转。

  B That would be nice. We can try some of the lakeside and rooftop bars.

  B 那会很有意思。我们可以到那些湖边和屋顶酒吧看看。

  A Yes, some of them have fantastic views.

  A 好的,在其中的几家看风景视野特别好。

  B We can just stroll around and try a few places.

  B 我们就到那里转转,去一些地方看看。