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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月25日17:15  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A Are you coming on Thursday evening?

  A 周四晚上你来吗?

  B Where?

  B 去哪里?

  A There’s a party at the Gallery on Thursday evening. It’s the opening night of a new exhibition.

  A 周四晚上在艺术展览馆有一个晚会。这是一个新展览的开幕之夜。

  B But I don’t have an invitation. Do you have one?

  B 但是我没有请柬。你有吗?

  A Yes, I’ve got one. You can come with me. It will be exciting, with lots of interesting people. And the exhibition will be good too.

  A 是的,我有。你可以和我一起去。晚会将会很热闹,有很多有趣的人。展览也会很棒。

  B It sounds good. But I’m not sure. Maybe I should go with you.

  B 听起来不错。但是我不太确定。也许我应该和你一起去。