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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年03月27日11:17  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A haidian could be a good area for clubs and bars. You should find somewhere with live music.

  A 海淀区是夜总会和酒吧的好去处。在那里你应该能找到有现成音乐演奏的地方。

  B Good. I think we will try that at the weekend.

  B 好。我想我们这个周末会去看看。

  A Yes. It’s a good area for nightlife.

  A 是的。那里是夜生活的好去处。

  B There’s lots of students at the university there and it’s a good atmosphere.

  B 那里有很多大学生,氛围很好。

  A You should ask Gao Yu. She knows about the music scene. I’m sure she could tell you the best places to go.

  A 你应该问问高雨。她了解音乐圈。我肯定她能告诉你最好去哪里。

  B That’s a great idea. I’ll definitely check with her.

  B 这是一个好主意。我一定去问问她。