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http://2008.sina.com.cn 2008年04月23日23:45  北京市民讲外语活动组委会

  A I need to send some e-mails and check some things on the internet.

  A 我需要发几封电子邮件,还要在网上查一些东西。

  B You can do that in your hotel. You can go on the internet in the Business Centre.

  B 在旅馆里你就能做。你可以到商务中心去上网。

  A That’s good. Where is it?

  A 那太好了。商务中心在哪里?

  B Just ask at the Reception Desk. They’ll direct you to the Business Centre and tell you everything you need to know.

  B 问服务台就可以。他们会领你到商务中心,并且告诉你你想了解的所有事情。

  A Do you know if it’s expensive?

  A 你知道在那里上网贵吗?

  B No, I think it’s pretty cheap. It depends on how much time you use.

  B 不,我认为非常便宜。这取决于你上网时间的长短。