祝贺奥运倒计时100天 罗格:100天后让我们北京相会http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年04月30日09:37 北京日报
![]() ![]() 100天后,我们将共同庆祝奥运会在中国拉开帷幕,占全世界人口五分之一的人民正在翘首企盼着这一时刻的到来。 全世界都在用满怀期待的目光注视着中国,注视着北京。运动员们同样充满期待,他们渴望在无比激动人心的北京奥运赛场内一争高下。 北京奥运会将不仅仅是展现高水平竞技运动的舞台,同时也将为推动不同文明之间相互了解、分享激情提供了宝贵的机会。而这样的机会只有奥林匹克运动才能带给世人。 我要向北京奥组委,特别是刘淇主席表示感谢,要向中国政府和广大中国人民表示感谢。感谢你们为将北京奥运会办成一届有特色、高水平的盛会所付出的努力与贡献。 100天后,让我们在北京相会! Message from the President of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge For the special edition of “Beijing Daily” for the 100-day countdown to the 2008 Games In 100 days, we will celebrate the opening of the Olympic Games in China, where one fifth of the world’s population is longing for them. The world is watching China and Beijing with great expectations. The athletes also have great expectations and they are all looking forward to competing in the breath-taking Beijing venues. The Beijing Games will be not only a moment of sporting excellence. There will be the opportunity to discover other cultures and share the passion that only an event like the Olympic Games can bring to life. I would like to thank the Beijing Olympic Organising Committee, and in particular its President Liu Qi, the Chinese government and the Chinese people, for all their tremendous efforts and dedication to making the Beijing Games an unique and exceptional celebration. See you in 100 days in Beijing!
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