
外国友人感受奥运改变:北京更干净了 人们更热情了

http://sports.sina.com.cn 2008年04月28日11:28  新京报

 Scott 美国射击队新闻官 46岁


  Yes I think the Olympics will bring change to China but not immediately.


  It will take 3 to 5 years to see effect from after the Olympics at a minimum.


  A lot of great things have changed in China in the last twenty years,so it will be hard to see an immediate effect from the Olympics..


  Deng Xioping was a great visionary, I think the greatest leader that China has known in regards to efforts to improve the peoples lives.What he started with his market reforms and opening up China to allow the students to go overseas were brilliant.


  There are still a lot of control in China that Western countries like the US, Germany, France, England etc. do not have and would not tolerate.


  We hope someday that you will be able to experience those same freedoms but it takes a while. But I don’t think the Olympics will make an immediate change to that. It certainly will bring more people to China and more interest in your great country.


  For me personally the Olympics are great chance to make more friends with the great Chinese people.


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